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Image by Jingda Chen

Realization Process Practices


Nondual Tidbits

Speaker: Judith Blackstone

Trauma & the Healing Power of Fundamental Consciousness

"We actually can know ourselves beyond the momentary flux of our disparate sensations, feelings, thoughts and perceptions. We can know the knower, or more accurately, the knower can know him or herself." - Judith Blackstone


Inhabiting the Body as Unitive Consciousness

Judith Blackstone, PhD

This paper presents the Realization Process, a method of body psychotherapy that includes a series of inward attunement exercises for experiencing unitive consciousness as the basis of deepened contact with one’s own being and with other people. The paper focuses primarily on this method’s understanding and facilitation of embodiment. In the Realization Process, embodiment is viewed as the experience of being present everywhere in one’s body simultaneously, as unitive consciousness.

Trauma and the Unbound Body: Judith Blackstone
Science and Nonduality

Trauma and the Unbound Body: Judith Blackstone

You can watch all our videos at Judith teaches the main practices of the Realization Process, a direct, embodied method of personal and relational healing and nondual awakening. She discusses the application of these practices to healing from trauma. In the Realization Process we attune to the ground of our own nature as an expanse of undivided, fundamental consciousness pervading our body and environment as a unity. Knowing ourselves as fundamental consciousness facilitates resilience to emotional and sensory stimuli, the integration of cognition, emotion and physical sensation, and the capacity for deep connection with other people without losing inward contact with oneself. Judith describes how we constrict and fragment ourselves in reaction to trauma, especially as children, and also how we mirror the trauma-based constrictions of our parents, so that psychological pain and limitation is passed down through the generations. She demonstrates the Realization Process method for recognizing and releasing the emotional wounds, defenses and compensatory patterns held in the body that conceal our authentic nature. She also shows how nondual realization enhances the therapeutic relationship, by cultivating empathy, subtle perception, and authenticity. Judith presents some specific types of psychological issues that often cause suffering for spiritually oriented individuals. These include intolerable levels of sensitivity, a lack of grounding, a sense of isolation and alienation, a tendency to feel merged with or displaced by other people, and a desire for purity and perfection. She shows how the practices of the Realization Process can address these challenges and help spiritually gifted people live more comfortably in the world. Science and Nonduality is a community inspired by timeless wisdom, informed by cutting-edge science, and grounded in direct experience. We come together in an open-hearted exploration while celebrating our humanity.

Realization Process Books


The Fullness of the Ground: A Guide to Embodied Awakening

by Judith Blackstone Ph.D

The Fullness of the Ground is a guide to embodied nondual realization and its profound effect on our senses, our ability to love, our experience of our own authentic existence, and our connection with other living beings. It distills Dr. Judith Blackstone’s decades of teaching into the essentials of the nondual spiritual path.


The first part of the book provides ways to make sense of the conflicting theories about nonduality available to spiritual seekers today. It describes the lived experience of nondual awakening as the uncovering of a subtle, fundamental consciousness that pervades our body and our environment. This provides the ground of our individual wholeness, the fullness of our embodied being, that coexists with our experience of unity with everything around us. The second part takes readers through the author’s signature path to nondual awakening, called the Realization Process®, providing effective practices for recognizing, embodying, and stabilizing in nondual realization. And the third part describes ways to bring this awareness into daily life and relationships. The Fullness of the Ground can help readers experience for themselves the essential oneness that underlies all life.


Trauma and the Unbound Body: The Healing Power of Fundamental Consciousness

by Judith Blackstone Ph.D

Heal trauma. Reclaim your body. Live with wholeness. These are the gifts of utilizing the power of fundamental consciousness—a subtle field of awareness that can be found within each of us. In Trauma and the Unbound Body, Dr. Judith Blackstone explores how we can resolve the mental, physical, and emotional struggles of trauma by connecting to our true essence, which can never be wounded or harmed.


She shows us how trauma of the past may haunt our present life by getting unconsciously bound within the fascia (connective tissue) of the body, causing physical and emotional pain. Dr. Blackstone guides us through step-by-step processes to unwind those constrictions by connecting to fundamental consciousness, setting the body free of trauma once and for all and discovering an unbreakable, unified ground of being.

The Realization Process: A Step-by-Step Guide to Embodied Spiritual Awakening

by Judith Blackstone Ph.D

This series of six CDs, The Realization Process, includes the meditation, psychological, embodiment and relational attunement exercises, as well as Judith speaking about some of the theory underlying this powerful work.


Belonging Here: A Guide for the Spiritually Sensitive Person

by Judith Blackstone Ph.D

Belonging Here offers practices and insights for the unique challenges that often accompany spiritual sensitivity.


“This book lucidly reveals the most profound insight known to humankind: that we are made of the luminosity of awareness itself. Drawing on a lifelong spiritual journey and decades of teaching experience, Dr. Blackstone is uniquely qualified to illumine the healing power of non-dual awareness. She gives special emphasis to the work involved in repairing the injuries that often happen on the journey into self-realization—especially those that befall us in childhood as open, defenseless, and sensitive beings. Dr. Blackstone shows us how to explore all the subtle dimensions of what it is to be an embodied human being who lives in meaningful relationship with others, while remaining fully immersed in the state of pure awareness. I highly recommend this book as a path to realization in its own right.”

– Peter Fenner, PhD author of Radiant Mind, The Edge of Certainty, and Essential Wisdom Teachings


The Empathic Ground: Intersubjectivity and Nonduality in the Psychotherapeutic Process

by Judith Blackstone Ph.D

The Empathic Ground explores the experience of nondual consciousness as the basis of human connection, and describes its importance for psychological healing. It looks at the therapeutic relationship from the perspectives of psychoanalyticintersubjectivity theory and Asian nondualphilosophy, finding practical meeting points between them that illuminate crucial issues in psychotherapy, such as transference and counter-transference, the nature of subjectivity, and the role of the body. The book also includes a series of exercises developed by the author for realizing nondual consciousness in the clinical setting. Access to this subtle, unified dimension of consciousness develops both our individual human capacities—perception, understanding, love, and physical pleasure—and our relationships with other people. It thus has profound significance for both psychological healing and development, and for the relationship of psychotherapist and client.


“In the larger and ongoing cultural dialogue between East and West, this beautifully written book represents a new and important moment of advance. In it, Blackstone deftly examines subtle nuances in the interface between Western modes of psychotherapy and Asian systems of nondual awareness and practice. By means of a careful and informed examination of major sources, she offers a precise and considered theoretical approach to the specific integration of notions of intersubjectivity and of the nondual awareness into modalities of Western psychotherapy. In ten intelligent and powerful ‘realization processes,’ Blackstone brings forward practical exercises for the specific application of such a theoretical approach to the nondual to the practice of psychotherapy.”

– Paul E. Muller-Ortega, author of The Triadic Heart of Såiva: Kaula Tantricism of Abhinavagupta in the Non-Dual Shaivism of Kashmi


The Intimate Life: Awakening to the Spiritual Essence in Yourself and Others

by Judith Blackstone Ph.D

In The Intimate Life, psychotherapist and spiritual teacher Dr. Judith Blackstone describes how the realization of our unified essence—what she calls “fundamental consciousness”—transforms all of our relationships. The book includes many exercises to awaken the spiritual essence within ourselves, teaching us how we can begin to relate to others, including our partner, once we’ve tapped into that essence. For coupled partners and singles on a spiritual path, The Intimate Life is offered to help us live in genuine contact and ever-deepening connection.

Read an excerpt


The Enlightenment Process: A Guide to Embodied Spiritual Awakening

by Judith Blackstone Ph.D

The Enlightenment Process describes the process of enlightenment as the gradual realization of our most subtle dimension of being as unified, all-pervasive consciousness. It also explains how we uncover our authentic selfhood and embodiment at the same time as we arrive at our spiritual oneness with other people, the world and cosmos. Includes exercises from the Realization Process.


“Judith Blackstone’s The Enlightenment Process carves a clear path through the confusing nature of human life, cutting away the underbrush of our own misconceptions about and resistance to the practice of awakening. I recommend it to anyone, newcomers to the path of meditation and consciousness, and those who have been studying for years. What a gem of a book, written by one of those rare authors who writes beautifully, from the core of her own experience, and in service of the reader’s most noble self.”

~ Elizabeth Lesser, author of Broken Open

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